MSET Cuttlefish is an SHS robotics team that is providing online coding classes for girls at Redwood Middle School! Girls Who Code is a worldwide organization that aims to give young girls the tools to pursue a future career in STEM. We have developed an activity-based curriculum using the coding language Python, and a total of 4 instructors from our high-school team will be teaching 10-15 interested middle-schoolers. We will hold 1-hour sessions every other week for a total of 8 sessions- our classes will start late September, run until late November and requires a 8-hour commitment from each student. No prior experience is needed, as this course is aimed towards preparing beginners to coding on an intermediate level.
To register, fill out this form: bit.ly/join-redwood-gwc
We will cover the general aspects of the club, our goals, and some additional info on our meeting times.
Date: Friday, Sep. 13 @4:30-5:15pm
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87178023873
Recording Link:  https://tinyurl.com/gwc-infosession-recording (to be updated after 9/13/24)
We will alternate completing asynchronous work and meeting in-person at Redwood Middle School. If there is an unlikely session reschedule, we will notify you through email in advance.
Thursdays IN-PERSON (Room 27, Mr. Robertson's room) @ 3:15-4:15pm
Tentative schedule for 2024-25:
  • Fall: Sept. 26, Oct. 10, Oct. 24, Nov. 14
  • Spring: Jan. 30, Feb. 13, Mar. 13, Mar. 27


RMS Girls Who Code Club depends solely on your 'fair share' contribution. We would like to suggest monetary donations of $45 per student and any amount of donations is welcome. Per the district's policies, the donations are set to compensate our staff advisor Mr. Robertson this year. Your donations are crucial to the success of the club!


Through Redwood PTA Membership Toolkit

1. Create an account in Redwood Middle PTA Membership Toolkit, or log in if you are an existing member. 2. After you create an account, log in, click on “My Account”, and Click “My Forms/Paperwork”.
3. After filling up the form for Girls Who Code, click “Add to Cart”, then “Proceed to Checkout”, you will receive an email confirmation afterward.


Thank you for your voluntary contribution to run this club successfully. Your support ensures the smooth operation of the RMS Girls Who Code program and promotes a healthy, fun, and successful season of coding and exploration. We are expecting donations from all club members, and if you have any financial concerns or questions, feel free to contact us at msetcuttlefish6165@gmail.com.



Please contact MSET Cuttlefish directly at this email- msetcuttlefish6165@gmail.com.

Upcoming Events



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