Resources for Understanding Speech and Debate Competitions

Information About all Competition Events -- Read LD portion of it to understand

LD Ddebate:

Judging a Lincoln-Douglas (LD) debate involves carefully evaluating the debaters' arguments based on the resolution, relevant frameworks, and ethical considerations. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to judge an LD debate:

Before the Round:

  1. Understand the Resolution:

    • Familiarize yourself with the resolution and its key terms. Make sure you understand the central issue being debated.
  2. Review the Speaker Roles:

    • Understand the roles of each speaker (Affirmative and Negative) and the purpose of each speech (constructive, rebuttals, etc.).
  3. Know the Basics of LD Debate:

    • Understand the value-criterion structure, where debaters present a value they uphold and a criterion (standard) by which that value should be evaluated.

During the Round:

  1. Flow the Debate:

    • Take detailed notes on the arguments presented by both debaters. Use a flow sheet to organize your notes by speaker, speech, and argument.
  2. Evaluate Frameworks:

    • Pay attention to the frameworks presented by each debater. Evaluate how well each framework supports their case and whether it is consistent with the resolution.
  3. Consider Clash:

    • Assess how well debaters clash with each other's arguments. Look for direct responses to the opponent's contentions and an understanding of the opponent's framework.
  4. Assess Evidence and Warranting:

    • Evaluate the quality of evidence presented by debaters. Consider the relevance, credibility, and impact of the evidence in supporting their claims.
    • Assess the warrants (reasoning) behind each argument. Determine if the debaters provide logical and convincing reasons to support their positions.
  5. Weighing Mechanisms:

    • Pay attention to weighing mechanisms. Debaters often provide reasons why certain arguments should be given more weight or priority in the round. Evaluate the effectiveness of these weighing mechanisms.
  6. Evaluate Crossfire:

    • Consider points made during crossfire. While not as formal as speeches, crossfire can reveal weaknesses in arguments or highlight important concessions.

After the Round:

  1. Evaluate Final Focus:

    • Consider the Final Focus speeches carefully. Debaters often crystallize their key arguments and explain why they should win the round. Assess how well they prioritize and extend their arguments.
  2. Assess Rhetorical Skills:

    • Consider the debaters' speaking abilities, clarity, and persuasive skills. While the primary focus is on the content of the arguments, effective communication is important.
  3. Avoid Outside Bias:

    • Judge the round based on the arguments presented in the debate, not personal beliefs or outside knowledge. The debaters' performance within the round should be the sole basis for your decision.
  4. Write a Comprehensive RFD (Reasons for Decision):

    • Provide a clear and detailed decision that explains why you voted for one debater over the other. Reference specific arguments, clash, and weighing mechanisms that influenced your decision.
  5. Be Constructive in Feedback:

    • If providing oral feedback, be constructive and specific. Highlight strengths and areas for improvement. Focus on the debaters' arguments and strategies rather than personal characteristics.
  6. Follow Tournament Guidelines:

    • Adhere to any specific tournament rules or guidelines for judging. Different tournaments may have specific expectations or criteria.

Remember that judging in LD debate involves a balance between adherence to debate principles, understanding the resolution, and your own analysis of the arguments presented in the round. Each judge may have their own approach, but maintaining fairness and consistency in your evaluation is crucial.

How to Judge LD

How to use a flowsheet


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